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Online Low-Impact Classes


Monday: 6.30pm

Wednesday: 6.30pm

Friday: 10am  


Face-to-face Low-Impact classes


Oxley Park Community Centre, Redgrave Drive, Oxley Park, MK4 4TA
Tuesday: 10am


The Old Fire Station, Station Road, Woburn Sands, MK17 8SG

Wednesday: 1.30pm


How much is it?



"Making exercise accessible for everyone"


Have you been advised to start exercising but don't know how to start? Does the thought of joining a regular fitness class with all those toned bodies fill you with dread?


Well you can stop worrying because Prosperity Rehab exercise classes are a safe space to exercise, where you'll be with people in the same situation as you who understand the challenges you face.


Our low impact and chair based exercise classes are the ideal way to get exercising and before long you’ll be achieving more than you ever thought possible. 


We cover Milton Keynes and the surrounding area, including Oxley Park, Woburn Sands and Bletchley.  


If you would prefer an individual personal training programme, click here


Just because you you have a long-term health condition, are rehabilitating from an injury or aren't as mobile as you once were, doesn't mean you can't enjoy the benefits of regular exercise.  


As well as the physical benefits, attending our classes is also good for your mental health and well-being. Many of our groups now get together for Coffee and Chat following their class and for many attending they have become an important social occasion. 


  • Form new friendships

  • Reduce social isolation

  • Improve mental well-being

  • Motivate each other




Our low impact classes are designed for those looking for a gentle introduction into fitness and rehab and health maintenance. We work on upper body, lower body, core body strength and balance, either seated or standing, depending on what suits you best.


When you first book a class we always have a chat with you to find out about your specific situation and any medical conditions. Classes are kept small, usually eight to ten, so we can monitor everyone throughout and advise you if you need to adapt any of the exercises to your individual circumstances.


And just because you doing a chair based exercise or low impact, it doesn’t mean you won’t get a good work out. You’ll be working your body and soon feeling the benefits.


How much is it? 


Specific classes for day centres, retirement villages and care home are available.
Please use our contact form to enquire

It's a great group! We all have problems with our body. Lovely Kamal, our trainer, just advises... Do what you can, there is always an alternative. If you can't do a particular exercise on the floor, then Kamal advises to do it on a chair. In this class, you can achieve so much, suited to your own ability. I love it, 'cos we do have a giggle as well! Come and join us!

Jane Hulston

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